Ten on Ten December 2014

I haven’t written since last month! We’ve been pretty busy. Anyway, here are ten pictures from our day!


Jonas likes to take things out of the fridge, ask me what they are, repeat it, and then ask, “Eat?” I had to tell him, “No, we can’t eat chocolate syrup for breakfast.”


He actually colored a little bit today but still was more interested in trying to dump the crayons out.


A walk to the park a few blocks away.


We stayed there for a while. The playground is small but there is tons of grass to explore.


All that playing made Jonas sleepy. I got to start this comic book. The protagonist is a 16-year-old Muslim girl and it is good so far!


After nap time, it was time for a Target trip for some Christmas gifts.

20141210_163255Jonas loves using screwdrivers to “turn” things. I asked him to help me fix the refrigerator.


I’ve been listening to the MU330 Winter Wonderland album every year since high school. Today was the first time I listened to it this year and it made me feel like it is actually almost Christmas!


I am pretty proud of our dinner tonight! Spicy lemon (vegan) shrimp and asparagus over rice.


Just saying hi while Mommy and Daddy relax on the couch.

ten on ten button


  1. Looks like your little one keeps you busy. Fun to pop by and take a peek. xx

  2. What a fun day and yay for some quiet time to read a bit!! Can’t wait to see that little guy on Christmas 🙂