A Very Big Day (And Week)

A week ago today, when Jonas turned 17 weeks old, was a very big day for him!
He rolled over (back to tummy) three times, when he had only done it three times total before. He giggled– a real giggle! I was doing sun salutations and he cracked up as I lifted my head. Definitely the best motivation to work out ever. He also found his feet. He was sitting down, with me holding him and he was leaning over and grunting. We looked at him and his toe was in his mouth. It was hilarious! It was a big day for a baby!

The rest of the week was pretty busy too– we had a 4.5 earthquake really close to our house at 1:30 am. I was awake, it woke Jared up, and Jonas slept through it. It scared me enough that I made emergency kits for our house and cars the next day, crossing something else off my 101 in 1001 list! There was a 3.something aftershock the next night close to the same time.

Tuesday was Jonas’s 4 month doctor appointment. He weighed 17 lbs, 8 oz and was 25 inches long! He got an oral vaccine and a shot in each leg! He was still upset about them but handled them much better than his 2 month shots!

Wednesday, Jonas woke up with a cold. It’s so sad seeing him snotty and uncomfortable!


Even with a cold, we get cute smiles!

Thursday I had a meeting for my new  (very) part time job– it is perfect–once a week meetings, occasional other meetings, and the rest is from home. I feel very lucky that I found something to keep up my resume and bring in a little extra money but that lets me be with Jonas almost all of the time! I’m also very lucky that my awesome in-laws watch Jonas when I have meetings. I was feeling a little anxious about leaving him on Thursday because he wasn’t feeling good and because of the earthquakes, but he loves spending time with them, even when he has a cold!

Jared and I caught his cold and have been moping around the house and drinking lots of tea.

Thankfully, we have had a nice three-day weekend with no plans to rest and relax. And today, Jonas rolled tummy to back for the first time!

Lies They Told Me About Babies

1. You’ll end up getting an epidural/there are no trophies for not using pain meds

I combined this into one, because people will either insist that you CAN’T do it, or that if you do, you’re not so great anyway. Labor hurt. It hurt more than I could have imagined it hurting. And part of it was that it seemed ENDLESS– 40 hours of active labor with no sleep. Contractions are really, really hard. Words don’t really do justice to how emotionally and physically challenging the whole experience was. And I still didn’t let myself get an epidural. My thoughts are that if you tell yourself it is an option, you’ll end up getting one. If you are stubborn, you can do it. It’s not really about your pain tolerance– it is way more about how stubborn you are. To be fair, I did not experience back labor much, which I know can be even more painful, but I still think it is more about your mindset than the pain.

And for the second part, I guess people are right. I don’t have a natural birth trophy to put on my mantle. My baby is my trophy, just like for anyone, regardless of how they birth. However, I do know that I did what I felt was best for me and my baby, even when there seemed to be easier ways in the moment. I put my mind to something and I did it, even when it was much harder than I ever imagined it could be. I found my physical and emotional limits and walked right up to them. I didn’t give up. When I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore, I just did it. And that feels pretty awesome.

2. Once you have a baby, your social life is over

My social life is better than it has been since college. We live in the suburbs and most of our local friends live in the city, an hour or more away. We used to either trek out to see them to hang out, or in some cases, we’d alternate who visited who. Now, people come to us. It’s awesome. I know people will probably get sick of this and we’ll have less of an excuse once the baby is a little older, but for now, we are getting lots of house guests.

I’ve also made a lot of friends who live closer! I’ve met other moms through my birth class and moms’ group, and at least once a week, I have an opportunity to hang out with people. It can be so hard to make friends as an adult but babies give you something to talk about to break the ice. And, unlike with non-babied friends, I don’t feel like the only option for hanging out is going to a bar– I can sit with my mom friends and talk for hours, try new restaurants, or hang out at a park. They’ve gotten me out of my friend rut.

This might not be true for people whose social lives revolve around clubbing or partying, but I feel more socially connected than I have in a long time.

3. Babies are expensive

At least, they don’t have to be. I know he will get expensive, but right now he just isn’t. I bought a bunch of clothes at yard sales last summer for under $25 and most of his other clothes are gifts. We got a lot of our baby gear from Craigslist. I breastfeed (I know formula feeding babies are a different story. I could rant about formula companies, but I won’t right now). I cloth diaper. People say startup costs for cloth diapering are too high, but they really don’t have to be. I got $100 of used diapers from Craiglist, my mom bought us $100 of good prefolds and covers, and I ordered $100 of factory direct diapers. If you don’t get into buying all the fancy print, even startup is affordable.Which brings me to my next point.

4. Cloth diapering is too much work

I’ve heard people who planned to cloth diaper complain that it was just too much laundry and they didn’t have time for it. I do my cloth diaper laundry every other day, which sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t. I bring the diapers downstairs, do a cold rinse, then a normal wash, and then dry them. That’s it. No sorting, no folding. It will have another step once he’s eating solid foods and I have to dump solids in the toilet first, but it is still way less time every week than loading him into the car seat and going to the store to buy diapers would be.

5. Baby wearing is for hippies

My friends do make fun of me for being a hippie, but this shouldn’t be one of the reasons. Really, it’s just more convenient. Going to the store alone with a baby is overwhelming enough at first. I can’t imagine trying to push a cart and a stroller. And then when the baby starts crying, pushing a cart, a stroller, and holding a baby. How do people even do that?

6. You’ll never sleep the same way again

This is my mom’s favorite warning, even though she isn’t usually one to say “you’ll see” about things. And fair enough, she’s kind of right. Even when the baby is having a good sleeping night, my body will decide that 3 hours of sleep in a row is plenty to feel rested for now, leaving me unable to sleep for the next 3 hours. But here’s the thing. It doesn’t feel like you think it will. It feels really really awful for the first month or so– before you’re used to it, when your hormones are still all over the place, and when the baby is hardly sleeping at all. But then it gets better. Your hormones calm down. The baby starts sleeping a litttttle better, and your body just adjusts. I don’t know why, but getting 4 hours of sleep a night for 5 nights in a row is still tiring, but it doesn’t feel nearly as bad as it would have pre-baby.

I know that people’s experiences will vary. These are just a few of the scary things people told me before having a baby that ended up not being true for our family. Even if you find some of them to be true, the point is that no one’s experience is the same, and it often is so much easier than you imagine. But even if all of these were true, and ten times worse than people say, it would all be ok, because of the one thing people told me that is definitely true– that having a baby will show you how to love like you never imagined you could love.


101 Beginnings!

I’ve already crossed off a few of my 101 goals that I posted about earlier!

So far:

I ordered my doula business cards. I wanted to do free ones using Vista Print, but I couldn’t do a custom design that way. I uploaded my custom design, though, and then saw that if you do that, shipping is free, so I didn’t have to pay much more than I would have doing the free ones and paying for shipping.

I finished sending Jonas’s birth announcements. Finally! Sorry if you were one of the ones to get yours late! It seemed like such a project updating everyone’s addresses and getting stamps. One of those things that would have taken 30 minutes pre-baby and now takes 3 months!

I read two of my thirty books. They were both comic books but I’m counting them! Saga Volumes 1 and 2 by Brian Vaughn and Fiona Staples. So good! I love reading an awesome fantasy story about a couple with a new baby.

I bake a pie from scratch! I used the olive oil crust recipe from Vegan Pie In The Sky and then improvised the filling– a combo of blueberry and peach. I was super proud of the cookie cutter stars I used for the top crust. Sadly, the blueberries bubbled over and the oven started smoking! I had to turn the oven off, go outside, and air out the house. So…the pie didn’t cook as long as it should have, but it was amazingly still yummy. Even Jared, who is not a pie fan, approved.


Jonas’s First Christmas

Christmas and all the festivities leading up to it were so fun this year. We did all our usual traditions and added a few new ones. We watched Elf and drank hot chocolate, had a vegan potluck with our friends, and went to see the over-the-top lights on Thoroughbred Lane. Jonas was fascinated by the lights. He was a little hungry so he would start to fuss, but then as soon as we got to a new house, he would stop fussing and stare.

My sister, Sadie, stayed with us on Christmas Eve. We drank soy eggnog and watched Gremlins. Jared made a fire in the fireplace and he and I went to the kitchen to make cookies for Santa. When we went back into the living room, Sadie and Jonas were both asleep. It was cute!

Then Jared read Jonas The Night Before Christmas, a Christmas Eve tradition from his family. The version of the book that Jared’s family got us has beautiful illustrations and Jonas enjoyed looking at them.

On Christmas morning, we woke up and opened stockings and presents. We had some more eggnog and some cookies and then listened to Christmas music and talked. We headed out to Shannon’s in the afternoon. Everyone loved seeing Jonas, especially his cousin Brooklyn and Jonas went back and forth between having a great time seeing everyone and looking at everything that was going on and being a little overwhelmed and getting fussy.


He fell asleep in the middle of present opening and napped with his Papa while Jared and I opened the rest of his presents for him.


He got so many fun presents! We spent boxing day taking everything out of its packaging and checking them out. So far, his favorite is a xylophone. He enjoyed looking at some of his new books too.


Two days later and he is still a little overstimulated, I think!

Happy holidays!!

101 in 1001

This year, instead of doing New Years resolutions, a friend inspired me to do 101 in 1001. You pick 101 things to do in 1001 days and they can be big or little but they have to be concrete and measurable. Here’s my list. I’ll update it as I complete things and write some posts about some of the activities!

1. make t-shirt quilt
2. finish editing novel
3. send novel to 10 agents/publishers
4. finish second novel
5. finish playing Gone Home
6. catch up on Buffy and Willow comics
7. get doula certification
8. relearn basic Spanish
9. go to Baby Bookworm at the library
10. frame orange crate prints
11. get into habit of vacuuming every other week
12. take Jonas to swimming lessons
13. Apple picking at Oak Glen
14. visit Lindsey
15. purge closet
16. visit Amelia and Sami in the UK
17. go to Quaker meeting
18. go to UU service
19. blog at least once a month for Jonas’s first year
20. make blog book
21. meditate for 30 minutes a day for 30 days
22. get into habit of daily 10 minute meditation
23. do bakasana (crow pose)
24. go to a punk show
25. plant garden
26. remodel play room into something we’ll use
27. baby proof
28. get doula business cards
29. finish doula website
30. ask Grandma to tell me a story I’ve wanted to hear
31. finish sending birth announcements
32. plan 1st bday party for Jonas with slideshow
33. road trip to Phoenix
34. turn window seat into toy chest
35. donate unused baby stuff
36. go to Deer Park 5 times (0/5)
37. go to an IE Dharma Punx meeting
38. watch Dollhouse
39. frame wedding invitation
40. (personal)
41. make jalapeno poppers
42. Weezer art for Jonas’s room
43. take Jonas to a show/concert
44. send holiday cards
45. CA family reunion
46. do baby signs with Jonas
47. 2015 calendar with 2014 pictures
48. set up college fund for Jonas
49. invest some of our savings
50. move dinners away from the tv and to the table
51. pick a new fruit or vegetable and make something with it
52. take Jonas to the beach
53. tech free Tuesdays actually: Facebook Free Fridays
54. tech free weekend
55. at home date- movie and dinner theme
56. set up emergency kit
57. take Jonas to a play
58. make a will
59. adopt a family/kid for the holidays
60. hang up quilt
61. get ring insurance
62. upholster window seat in the office
63. “just because” gifts for Jer (2/3)
64. go to family yoga class with Jonas
65. get a nice camera
66. have family photos taken
67. Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center
68. drive in movie as a family
69. take Jonas to Chino Youth Museum
70. get into monthly date nights
71. take Jonas to see Pop and Nana
72. bake a pie from scratch
73. anniversary getaway
74. get a good haircut
75. wear hair in a different style each day for a week
76. visit Glen Ivy hot springs
77. vegan s’mores over the fire pit
78. use the pool at least once a week during summer
79. add money to kiva account and lend
80. take Sasha to dog park 5 times (0/5)
81. take Sasha to Huntington dog beach
82. corn starch slime with Jonas
83. let Jonas try a lemon (record it)
84. get into 3 new bands (1/3)
85. write a love letter to Jer
86. SD card of Jonas’s first Christmas for Grandma
87. Read 30 books (27/30)
88. finger paint with Jonas
89. use old bath products and cosmetics or throw away
90. Make 5 cookbook recipes
91. go to Fontana farmer’s market
92. cash in change jar and buy a treat with it
93. go to 15 hockey games (7/15)
94. play street hockey in the driveway
95. set up organization system for business expense tracking
96. (personal)
97. record listening night
98. surprise Jer with one of his favorite meals
99. build up 100 oz breast milk stash
100. take Sasha to get stitches out
101. Complete 30 day exercise challenge

It was really fun to think about some things we’ll be able to do with Jonas in the next few years! I am really excited to get started!


sleeping baby

I love you beyond words
a treat resulting from your lack of them
the songs and coos between us
Just a medium for smiles that come from
the deepest parts of our bellies

your smile, huge, gummed
I smile instantly
not deciding to respond
pure response, no motives
just loving you is enough

your body
are more perfect than you will know
allowing you to be here with me
and all of us

Thankful and Mindful

We spent November 20-29 in West Virginia with my family for Thanksgiving. Jonas did a great job with all the traveling and while we were there and it was so fun introducing him to everyone, especially his great grandma! On Thanksgiving day there were four babies in the house, all third cousins, and that was really fun!



Jonas is getting so much more alert and interactive now, too, and it was really nice that Jared got to take time off of work and go on the trip and bond with him!

All the things to be thankful for have me thinking a lot about being mindful– about how to be as present as I can for all of it. Then I realize I am thinking so much about being present that I am letting it distract me from BEING present! So tonight, I tried a little exercise based on one of the mindfulness practices I learned during childbirth preparation: see, hear, feel, breathe.

While nursing Jonas, I just looked at him. I looked at the way his hair fluffed up, his sweet eyes squinting closed, his soft hand with the dimples under each finger. Then I listened to him– his breathing and the other little noises he was making. Then I paid attention to all the places my body was touching his– his nursing, my hand under his hair, my arm against his warm back. Then I took a breath, paying attention to the in breath and out breath. I spent a few breaths with each section of the exercise, but you can switch between them with each breath if that is easier. It was easier to practice mindfulness when I focused on concrete things, rather than just telling myself over and over “be present! be present!” and stressing myself out about whether I was doing it well enough.

I will be trying to take more “see, hear, touch, breathe” moments.

What a sweet baby to look at, listen to, hold, and breathe with.


Bon Voyage, Bubby and Grandpa!

We have been so incredibly lucky to have my mom and stepdad, AKA Bubby and Grandpa, here with us since September 24th. They have been helping with cooking, cleaning, laundry, doctor visits, and our general adjustment to being new parents. Today they are leaving on a wonderful around-the-world adventure! I am so excited for them but they will definitely be missed! It has been so wonderful having them here for these first few weeks of Jonas’s life. I am so happy they came, not only so that he could experience them as a newborn, and so they could spend time with him when he is so little, but because this time with them has been so special for me. I love you, Mommy and Richard, and I am so happy Jonas has you as grandparents!bubbygrandpajonas


What Jonas Has Taught Me So Far- Life With A Newborn

I’ve been Jonas’s mom for almost five weeks now, and here are some of the things he’s taught me.

If Something Works, Do NOT Change What You Are Doing

Holding your baby with your left arm, singing the first verse of Baby Beluga, and patting his back in half time? Is your baby calm? Do NOT switch arms. Do NOT decide to try the second verse. Do NOT up the patting. Don’t even THINK about trying The Farmer In The Dell. Even if that worked last night. Stick with what is working now and take a deep breath.

Your Baby is Probably Fine

We’ve gone to both of our baby’s doctor appointments so far with a big list of questions– some of which we thought were about potentially serious issues. Heavy breathing and a sweaty forehead made us worried about a heart condition. Red spots that came and went convinced us our son had a serious allergy to something in the house, probably the cats, and we’d have to get rid of them. Turns out heavy breathing and a sweaty forehead are sometimes just heavy breathing and a sweaty forehead. Newborn skin is sensitive. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t ask your doctor about these things or make an appointment if you are concerned. It’s just that those appointments are probably scheduled so frequently at the beginning because the doctors save time answering new parents’ questions all at once instead of having them call four times a day in a panic.

Your Baby Probably Has Every Common Newborn Thing Ever

Yes, I know I just said your baby is probably fine. There is probably nothing major wrong with him or her. But your baby will probably also have every weird newborn thing that exists. Haven’t heard of cradle cap? You will be rubbing various oils on your head by week 3. Just add it to the routine after massaging the clogged tear duct. Also, check your kid’s neck flaps. Look a layer deeper than you thought existed and you’ll probably find a gross cheesy rash.

The Common Newborn Things Aren’t That Bad

You might feel like cradle cap, baby acne, goopy eyes make people think you are a neglectful parent with a dirty baby. Any parents will understand. Most other people probably won’t notice. Babies are adorable, and that is mostly what people see when they look at one.

It’s Not All Or Nothing

It seems like people are in one of two camps. There are “You’re tired, but cherish these moments. You will miss them and they grow up so fast” people and there are the hip, “It is ok not to cherish these moments. These moments are really hard and that is ok!” people. When Jonas was first born, I had a really hard time adjusting to the lack of sleep. Like thinking my body was going to stop functioning hard time. I told my husband that I felt bad because I knew he would only be little like this for a little bit and I wanted to really be present and enjoy it and he said “It’s not ALL enjoyable!” and I realized both of these sentiments can coexist. I can simultaneously love spending time with this little adorable person we made and hate being exhausted. I don’t have to pick.

Every Day Is Different

What Jonas likes one day is not necessarily what he will like the next. His schedule is changing every day as he learns new things about the world and grows and changes. I’m looking forward to all the new things I’ll learn.


Welcome, Jonas Wesley!!


Jonas Wesley


7:12 pm

8 pounds, 3 oz.

19.5 inches